Saturday, 20 April 2013

Back-office Software From Petrosoft Saves Time & Minimizes Problems for C-Store Owners

Back Office Software can enhance profits for convenience store owners by simply automating the majority of the back-office procedures, saving time and cutting down on human error.  Petrosoft's C-Store Office application automates invoice generation, supplies in excess of 80 mobile as well as over 200 PC reports in the palm of your hand, optimizes store supply and manages payroll. C-Store Office will provide convenience store owners with crucial information on accuracy rates, inventory and margins which can lead to an almost 75% decline in paperwork time.

Petrosoft's back office software automates invoice processing, thus eliminating paperwork, not to mention generating more accurate information.  The electronic data invoicing (EDI) aspect enables vendors to transmit invoices and have them automatically processed and archived to pending invoices saving  time typically spent on information entry.  Paper statements can also be effortlessly scanned, information transferred, item level data keyed and the completed invoice immediately dropped into a pending invoices file.  With Petrosoft's back office software, users should be able to adjust errors and revise the price book to speed up massive invoice organizing.  Petrosoft's back-office computer software hooks up with the most frequent hand-held devices including Symbol and DCS.

Petrosoft's back office software reporting improves and  speeds up sales steps, saving time and eradicating problems.  The application updates financial information each time daily reports are approved to ensure that P & L statements, inventory amounts, payables,  receivables and your cash totals will always be up-to-date and precise.  Over 20 difference reports present income and loss, reconciliation income, payables due, and state and local taxation tables.  With a touch of a button, reports are refreshed, allowing every change to be noted.  The price guide catches every single price change on every shift, enabling store inventory optimization along with lowered shrinkage.  Petrosoft's back-office software program is Quick Books compatible, allowing for fast data transfer, saving time and reducing human error.  With data previously prepared in Quick Books, full, precise weekly, monthly, quarterly and also annual statements can be processed faster and facilitate tax preparation.

C-Store Office back office payroll software reduces human resource management and error by offering user friendly time and attendance reports.  Lateness, absence, overtime, time and attendance clocking and various other employee data points may be accessed at any time from the system with a number of reports produced with a touch of your mouse.  Staff hours may be electronically traced with daily reconciliation of  time records and automatically imported into an Excel spreadsheet.  C-Store Office back-office payroll software saves time, lowers human error, and prevents losses as a result of mishandled time cards.

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1 comment:

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