When looking for Convenience Store Products, it is possible to uncover some helpful tools on the market that can really make life easier for C-store owners and managers. Unique convenience store products are being introduced regularly and keeping up with the pace of change in convenience store products is a large task.
Convenience store products such as C-Store Office can truly enable you get that job done right. The program supports scanning at the POS level and gathers itemized sales information on everything you sell. C-Store Office accepts electronic invoices at item level as well. Petrosoft also offers a one-of-a-kind program that converts paper invoices into itemized electronic ones. That helps C-Store Office track all of your convenience store products individually at item level. The system determines stocking amounts and reports on item acceleration across your inventory to help you uncover overstocking and dead or slow moving items quickly and easily. C-Store Office gives you what you need to deal with inventory competently while constantly upgrading the quality of what is carried. This keeps inventory turning at a good pace and helps you to avert losses.
The thorough data C-Store Office gathers on your inventory at the same time permits the system to generate automated orders based on exact on-hand inventory amounts. Your orders will be more reliable and you will get total control of what you order assuring that you're only purchasing what you need when it's needed. Many C-Store Office users watch their inventory expenses drop between twenty to thirty percent because they are buying more efficiently. Another advantage of C-Store Office is that the time involved in ordering typically goes from hours to minutes.
Besides inventory reporting, C-Store Office also provides over two hundred reports on all aspects of your business. You will be aware of where you stand on fuel purchases, sales, inventory and profits. Updated financials, time worked by personnel, business expenses and tax information are all gathered automatically as well. C-Store Office gives you a detailed picture of where your business stands for every single shift. Using a convenience store product like C-Store Office can give you the tools you need to run your C-store operation more efficiently.
Visit Our Website :- http://www.cstoreoffice.com
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